In order to create solid shapes, the two most commonly used features are extrusions and revolves. Extrusions take a closed-loop shape and extrude it up or down to add to an existing part or create a new solid. Revolves take a closed-loop shape and wrap it around an axis to create a round profile. In Onshape, extrusions and revolves can also be used to remove from existing parts.


  1. Select a closed-loop shape; this can be an existing face or from a new sketch
    1. Extrusions can be done when inside or outside of a sketch; as long as the sketch is visible, closed-loop shapes can be selected and extruded
    2. Select the sketch from the feature tree to extrude all faces from the sketch (if the sketch is likely to change be careful with automatically selecting all faces)
  2. Click the Extrude icon (top left of the image below)

Screen Shot 2022-12-22 at 10.28.21 AM.png

  1. Click the green check mark or hit enter on the keyboard to confirm


  1. Select a closed-loop shape; this can be an existing face or from a new sketch
    1. Revolves can be done when inside or outside of a sketch; as long as the sketch is visible, closed-loop shapes can be selected and revolved
    2. Select the sketch from the feature tree to revolve all faces from the sketch (if the sketch is likely to change be careful with automatically selecting all faces)
  2. Click the Revolve icon (top left of the image below; it will be directly to the right of the Extrude icon)

Screen Shot 2022-12-22 at 10.41.23 AM.png

  1. Click the green check mark or hit enter on the keyboard to confirm