Hi all! Whether you are a PL looking to scope out Figma dev for your team or a software developer looking for resources, this is the place to be!


Step-by-step Guide:


Component usage is very important for both efficient design and development practices. Designers should be using components to build out their designs. (A.K.A. symbols in sketch)

**Definition: "**Components are elements you can reuse across your designs. They help to create and manage consistent designs across projects. You can create components from any layers or objects you've designed. These could be a whole range of things like buttons, icons, layouts, and more."

https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038662654-Guide-to-Components-in-Figma#:~:text=Components are elements you can,icons%2C layouts%2C and more.

<aside> 💡 In other words: Components are like puzzle pieces. A designer creates components, and reuses them as pieces of the design. If used correctly, developers should be able to create and style the components, and reuse them throughout the development process.


Useful Video:


‼️🎨 Designers 🎨‼️