Setting Up Git

  1. Create a GitHub account
  2. Install Git
    1. Note Git is already installed on macOS
    2. Download for Windows
      1. Make sure you install Git Bash along with your installation, and leave everything else default
    3. If you’re already using Linux I bet you know what Git is
      1. For Ubuntu, run apt-get install git
      2. For Arch Linux, run pacman -S git
  3. Set up SSH tokens
    1. First, run ssh-keygen in the CLI anywhere, and just leave everything default by pressing enter
    2. Navigate to ~/.ssh/ and open in a text editor
      1. Note: To do this in Windows without the CLI, ~/.ssh/ corresponds to C:\\Users\\<WhateverYourUserNameIs\\.ssh and you may need to enable showing hidden files
    3. Open the file and copy the ssh key listed in this file into your GitHub’s SSH keys here
    4. If you have multiple machines, you’ll need to do this for each machine (i.e. dual booting or using a VM)