Generate Resources
Scoping Presentation - General Overview
Scoping Guidance
Project Scope Template
Project Scoping
The project scope is defined as the work performed to deliver a product, service, or result with the specified features and functions.
It defines the work that a team will be doing for a semester given the constraints of time and budget.
Common Pitfalls
Over-scoping: promising more than you are capable of delivering
- Disappoint the client
- Do a poor job technically or overlook important aspects of the project
- Put more pressure on your team
Scope creep: changes, continuous or uncontrolled growth in a project’s scope, after the project begins
- Caused by clients changing their mind, or having a different expectation than the one set in the scope document
- Can cause confusion and frustration for team
- Refer the client back to the written and signed scope document
Under-scoping: when a project under promises the client
- Not enough work to do
- Client might be disappointed with what is ultimately accomplished