Welcome to the Sherman Makerspace! Learn about all the resources and tools available within the space.

About the Makerspace

<aside> 💡 Mak-er-space [makerspace] ****noun

a place in which people with shared interests, especially in computing or technology, can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge: "the makerspace is equipped with 3D printers, laser cutters, various milling devices, and more”


Stations in the Sherm

Electronics Station

3D Printing

Tools Station

Maintenance and Suggestion Forms

Form Submission Page

Makerspace Ninja Team 🥷

<aside> 💡 Meet the Ninja Team! The Sherman Center Makerspace Ninja Team is a group that manages all things makerspace at the Sherman Center. They work towards creating a better environment within the makerspace from resolving issues with the 3D printers to maintaining the electronics bench and power-tools station. Feel free to reach out to any of the ninja team members for any help within the space!




Makerspace Hours

The Makerspace is open 24/7 to all members with card access. However, please take note that there are classes and club meetings that occur within the Makerspace (class hours listed below).

If you need any support for utilizing any tools or resources, the hours the Makerspace Ninjas are available are listed below.

https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/[email protected]/e8227a1f538740e39e5d6ab69dd0093c16069678937515665961/calendar.html